Renewable Energy Sources Scope
Management, Development and Construction of R.E.S. Projects
ATESE S.A. owns solar and wind parks of a total nominal power of over 8 MW
ATESE Company contributes in an active manner to the rapid development of the renewable energy sources (RES) in Greece supporting the promotion of investments in renewable energy fields and participating by 50% to the following renewable energy companies:
- Aioliko Rouskio S.A.
- Aioliko Anatolikis Achaias S.A.
- Aiolika Parka Ditikis Macedonias S.A.

The company participates with other renewable energy companies, as mentioned above, to the construction and exploitation of RES Stations concerning both wind and photovoltaic power stations, as well as to the produced electricity trading. The licenses that have been or will be provided concern a total amount of electrical power that exceeds the 8 MW. The company undertakes the preparation and provision of feasibility, processes production and commercial exploitation studies for manufacturing, operating and exploiting the RES facilities and stations.