ATESE S.A., as a modern and future-focused company, recognizes the need to ensure its smooth and uninterrupted operation for the benefit of its customers, shareholders and stakeholders and has implemented a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS), according to the international standard for the business continuity ISO 22301:2019.
ATESE S.A. is active in the following sectors:

  • Services for Study, Financing, Construction and Management of the Projects.
  • Building Facilities Management and Maintenance Services.
  • Software Design and Development.
  • Design, Installation, Marketing and Technical Support of Security Systems and Services.
  • Supply, Marketing, Sale and Delivery for the Army, the Greek State, Services and Organizations of the Wider Public Sector and Enterprises, of:
  • Clothing, Apparel, Footwear, Linen and Camping Equipment
  • Electromechanical Equipment

ATESE S.A. sets strategic and tactical objectives for the business continuity, has the necessary resources to achieve them, while monitoring and evaluating them regularly, in order to ensure their continued suitability.

The Company, considers the current standards, legislation, regulations, as well as their application guidance in all its activities, is committed to meet them and comply with the ISO 22301:2019 standard, as well as to the continuous improvement of the Business Continuity Management System and has the required resources for this purpose.

The present policy is reviewed on a regular basis, as well as in cases of important changes, in order to ensure its continued validity and implementation.

Athens, 03/09/2022

President of the Board

Panagiotis Choumpavlis


BCMS_ΠΕΣ, Έκδοση 1.0, 03/09/2021